
Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

Drawing of arrangement and details of water tank for Planet locomotive

Drawing of detail of chassis for Planet tender

Drawing of arrangement of wheel assembly for tender

3 photography albums and 1 certificate

Lilli Palmer Collection


Thesis entitled: "George Parsons and the Parrett Works 1834-1875"


Poster depicting carriages from late 18th century to late 19th centuries


Typescript entitiled: "A paper on the Stirlings of Methven and their amazing machine"

2 items

Polaroid Image System camera manuals

0.03 linear metres

Collection of reprints of early aviation photographs

0.01 linear metres

Travel documents relating to Manchester Airport

2 items

Script and Story Outline for Coronation Street


PhD thesis entitled: "The trend to standardization: product development in the British motor cycle industry 1896-1916"


Commemorative calendar of Sikorsky Aircraft, 1989


MA thesis entitled 'The contribution of the machine tool industry to pioneering in new technologies, 1700-1980'

4 items

Manuals and Advertising for Amstrad Computers

1 packet containing 8 pages of diagrams and 2 pages of notes

Papers relating to Museum of Science and Industry Aircraft

93 photographic prints, 222 photographic negatives, 2 discs

Photographs of Workers at the Ferranti Wythenshawe Factory

Photocopy of leaflet giving description and technical specification of the 270T and 290T automotive engines.

Leaflet - Gardner 270T & 290T Automotive Engines'

1 file

Science and Industry Museum corporate file titled: Directorate: Greater Manchester Council Recreation and Arts Committee - meeting minutes, 1985-1986

Features 'Moving', 'Happy Hour' and 'Away Game' television advertisements.

VHS video cassette of Boddingtons advertisements.

1 item

Monsanto Backgrounder briefing notes "Plant biotechnology at Monsanto"

1 item

Monsanto Backgrounder briefing notes "Yieldguard insect-protected corn" pamphlet

1 item

Monsanto Backgrounder briefing notes "'The Roundup Ready soybean system': sustainability and herbicide use"

1 item

Nuffield Council on Bioethics "Genetically modified crops: the ethics and social issues"

3 items

Institute of Grocery Distribution "GM Q&A"

1 item

Commodity versus speciality crops

8 items

Monsanto briefing on insect protected maize and soybeans; benefits and general information

1 item

"Handbook for action: Genetix Snowball a campaign of nonviolent civil responsibility" a guide for GM protestors on ways to remove GM crops without destroying farmland

1 folder

Two-line element sets and notes for the year 1988


GE Perry desk diary for the year 1985

1 box

Two-line element sets and notes for the year 1986


GE Perry desk diary for the year 1986


GE Perry's log book of satellite radio observations for July 1987 - June 1988


GE Perry's log book of satellite radio observations for May 1986 - July 1987

4 boxes

Two-line element sets and notes for the year 1985

1 folder

File for Cosmos satellite 1860

1 folder

File for Cosmos satellite 1900

1 folder

File for Meteor 2 satellites 13, 14, 15 and Meteor 3-1

1 folder

File for 1988-14A China 22 satellite

1 folder

File for 1986-10A China 18 satellite

1 folder

File for 1987-76A China 19 satellite

1 folder

File for 1987-67A China 20 satellite

1 folder

File for 1987-75A China 21 satellite

1 folder

File for 1985-96A China 17 satellite

1 folder

File for Space Shuttle missions STS 51-C, 51-E, 51-D, 51-B and 51-G

9 sheets

Minutes of meeting of Radio Society of Great Britain

1 folder

File of documents concerning the Science Museum

1 folder

File concerning 'Popular Communications' magazine

1 folder

Presentation: 'The Kettering Group – From Hobby to Profession/Obsession'